
Browse Junior Corps Songs by Composer

Composer Song TitleCorpsYear
Rutter, John Esurientes (from Magnificat)Colts1996
Rutter, John FantasiaConcorde1999
Rutter, John Fecit Potentiam (from Magnificat)Colts1996
Rutter, John Fecit Potentiam (from Magnificat)Conqueror II1999
Rutter, John GloriaConcorde1999
Rutter, John GloriaPatriots1990
Rutter, John GloriaPioneer2013
Rutter, John GloriaThunder2004
Rutter, John Gloria (3rd Movement)The Cavaliers1990
Rutter, John Gloria - 3rd MovementConqueror II1999
Rutter, John Gloria - Andante and Allegro Vivace6th Hove2008
Rutter, John Gloria - Andante and Allegro VivaceThe Cavaliers1989
Rutter, John Gloria - Vivace E RitmicoThe Cavaliers1989
Rutter, John Gloria Patri (from Magnificat)Colts1996
Rutter, John Gloria Patri (from Magnificat)Quest1999
Rutter, John Heavens: "All Things Bright and Beautiful"Seattle Cascades2004
Rutter, John Lux Aeterna (from Requiem)Racine Scouts2011
Rutter, John MagnificatConqueror II1999
Rutter, John MagnificatDimension1996
Rutter, John MagnificatPatriots1996
Rutter, John MagnificatThunder2004
Rutter, John Magnificat anima mea (from Magnificat)Colts1996
Rutter, John Mvt 3 from GloriaLegends2014
Rutter, John O, Clap Your HandsPatriots1990
Rutter, John O, Clap Your HandsRoyal Columbians1995
Rutter, John O, Clap Your HandsThe Cavaliers1990
Rutter, John Of a Rose, A Lovely Rose (from Magnificat)Colts1996
Rutter, John Praise Ye the LordBlue Stars1991
Rutter, John Praise Ye the LordBlue Stars1992
Rutter, John RequiemConcorde1999
Rutter, John Requiem AeternamBlue Stars1991
Rutter, John Requiem AeternamLake Erie Regiment1996
Rutter, John The BridegroomThe Cavaliers1991
Rutter, John; Pierpoint, F. S. For the Beauty of the EarthBlue Stars1991
Rutter, John; Pierpoint, F. S. For the Beauty of the EarthNorthern Star1998
Rutter, John; Pierpoint, F. S. For the Beauty of the EarthSpirit of Atlanta1992
Ryan, Paul EloiseCadets La Salle1970
Ryan, Paul EloiseCadets La Salle1973
Ryan, Roma Storms in AfricaPioneer1995
Sade; St. John, Ray Smooth OperatorBoston Crusaders1986
Safroni, Arnold Imperial EchoesToronto Optimists1960
Sager, Carole Bayer; Foster, David La Oracion (The Prayer) Boston Crusaders2003
Sager, Carole Bayer; Foster, David The PrayerPioneer2010
Saint-Saens, Camille 4th Movement (from Symphony No. 3)Phantom Regiment1990
Saint-Saens, Camille Aquarium (from Carnival of the Animals)The Academy2010
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Boston Crusaders2009
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Cadence1997
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Dukes Of The Imperial Guard1972
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Lehigh Valley Knights2004
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Mandarins2003
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Marquis1976
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Oakland Crusaders1977
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Phantom Regiment1990
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Phantom Regiment1991
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Southwind2005
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Spartans1995
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)Spartans2002
Saint-Saens, Camille Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)The Cadets1965
Saint-Saens, Camille Carnival of the Animals Blue Devils C2009
Saint-Saens, Camille Carnival of the AnimalsLehigh Valley Knights2003

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