
Browse Junior Corps Songs by Composer

Composer Song TitleCorpsYear
Gershwin, George Variations On I Got RhythmFreelancers1978
Gershwin, George; Caesar, Irving SwaneeBandettes1977
Gershwin, George; Caesar, Irving SwaneeColts1981
Gershwin, George; Caesar, Irving SwaneeImperials of St. Patrick's1969
Gershwin, George; Caesar, Irving SwaneeRacine Scouts1969
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira 'S Wonderful (from Funny Face)Grenadiers of Broome County1962
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira A Foggy Day27th Lancers1972
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira A Foggy DayKilties1962
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira A Foggy DayKilties1963
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira A Foggy DaySelden Cadets1961
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira But Not For MePaterson Cadets1957
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira But Not For MePaterson Cadets1958
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Cuban Overture37th Kingswood2000
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Cuban OvertureImpulse2012
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Cuban OvertureMadison Scouts1994
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Cuban OvertureNorthshore1996
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Cuban OvertureSpirit of Newark/New Jersey2005
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Cuban OvertureThe Cadets1982
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Embraceable YouAudubon Bon Bons1959
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Embraceable YouBraintree Warriors1958
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Embraceable YouDeLaSalle Oaklands1959
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Embraceable YouOLC Ramblers1967
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Embraceable YouOLC Ramblers1968
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmBlue Devils2002
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmKrescendos1979
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmNorthern Aurora1980
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmOur Lady Loretto Knights1961
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmPAL/Windjammers1984
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmSentinals (UK)1983
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira Fascinating RhythmToronto Optimists1961
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Bandettes2000
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Beatrix2004
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Blue Devils1972
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Blue Devils2002
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Blue Devils2009
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Des Plaines Vanguard1959
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Freelancers1976
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Glassmen1996
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Kilties1957
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Kings Regiment (NY)1977
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Northshore1996
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Racine Scouts2001
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Racine Scouts2010
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)Sentinals (UK)1983
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira I Got Rhythm (from Girl Crazy)St. John's1962
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)American Woodman Cadets1965
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Avant Garde1975
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Black Knights (UK)1996
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Cadets La Salle1969
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)CMCC Warriors1970
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Colts1980
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Cranford Patriots1978
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Jersey Surf1999
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Millstadt Crusaders1966
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Millstadt Crusaders1967
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Millstadt Crusaders1969
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Norwood Park Imperials1970
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)Spirit of Atlanta1984
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)St. Louis Royalaires1991
Gershwin, George; Gershwin, Ira It Ain't Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)The Cadets1966

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