Buccaneers (KY)

Dayton, KY United States
Founded: 1967

Inactive Junior
No information available
Position 200+ indicates Division II, Position 300+ indicates Division III, Position 400+ indicates Mini Corps.

CORPS Photos

"Kentucky corps holds March-a-thon for new equipment

The Buccaneers of Northern Kentucky held a March-A-Thon September 4 through September 6. The corps marched a total of 60 hours in an effort to raise badly needed funds for the purchase of new instruments. The march took place on a pattern circling the World War II monument located at Sixrh and Berry Streets in Dayton. Opening ceremonies for the March-A-Thon were at 9:00 AM Saturday September 4 and closing ceremonies 60 hours later were at 9:00 PM Monday September 6.
Residents of Northern Kentucky were asked to pledge an amount of money for each hour that the corps marched."

[From the September 1976 issue of DCW.]

No members have registered to be listed

CORPS 2 items

Buccaneers (KY)

Buccaneers,Dayton,KY,Pin1-Buccaneer(RE-3.5)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection
Buccaneers (KY)

Buccaneers,Dayton,KY,Pin2-BScript(RE-3.5)J_U_S from the Richard Elmquist Collection


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